Fee Assistance Request Form Use the form below to qualify for Advoz’s fee assistance in mediation, restorative justice and trainings. Fee Assistance Request Form Use the form below to qualify for Advoz's fee assistance in mediation, restorative justice and trainings. Name*Phone Number*Email or other secondary contact*Postal AddressI am seeking assistance for mediation/training typeCommunity/Neighborhood MediationCustody/Divorce MediationReal estate/Business MediationElder MediationTraining in Conflict Resolution, Mediation & Restorative JusticeOtherSelect oneHow much can you reasonably pay for this service ?*Mediation typically costs Advoz between $600-1200 per session, so your contribution helps to cover the costs of coordinating these services for you and others in our community.Will you be volunteering with Advoz over the next 12 months? Yes No Please list the main factors impacting your ability to pay the full amount (income, debts, situation, etc.):* Δ