Making Peace 

Learn to handle conflict in a positive way with your teens.

One-time workshops for youth and parents to practice conflict management and communication skills.

    Conflict is natural, but when handled poorly, our health, families, friends, work and school all suffer.

    In less than a day, you can take your communication and peace-making skills to the next level with this special workshop. 

    Advoz Restorative Justice Programs in Lancaster, PA

    Making Peace Workshops

    For Parents of teens in Lancaster County
    Led by Advoz facilitators on second Saturdays, every other month,
    8:30 AM-12:30 PM.
    Making Peace is a hands-on skills workshop designed to help you work through conflict and communicate at your best, addressing:


    • Learn what it is and where it comes from
    • Understand your styles and choices


    • Understand your feelings and how to express them well
    • Learn to listen attentively
    • Learn to communicate needs
    • Overcom your blocks


    • Learn to respect your differences
    • Find common ground
    • Reinforce skills with practice between parents and youth
    At the end of this workshop, you will have more tools to better connect, listen and move forward in your family.
    Advoz Restorative Justice Programs in Lancaster, PA

    Learn to do conflict in a positive way. 

    What’s your conflict style?

    How can you access all your options to “do conflict” constructively?


    This program is a 4-hour interactive workshop focused on dealing with conflict better and improving communication skills.

    Reach out to start the process of connecting with your teen and building a healthy thriving relationship today!
    Advoz Restorative Justice Programs in Lancaster, PA

    About Making Peace Workshops

    Your youth will leave the workshop having gained tools to approach conflicts differently in the future and feel supported by our Advoz facilitators and their parents.

    You as a parent will leave the workshop equipped with tools to support your youth better and feel supported in a space to share their story and hear from others.

    Complete the relevant parts of the referral form linked below and submit it to Advoz.

    Feel free to call the Advoz office at (717) 397-2404 for help.

    Advoz requests a fee to cover costs of the training. $50.00 per family is the standard rate. Limited scholarships are available.

    Advoz Restorative Justice Programs in Lancaster, PA

    A Story from A Making Peace Workshop

    “The other day a mother of one of the youth who recently attended the Making Peace class stopped by the Advoz office. She shared how helpful the Making Peace program was for her son who got into a fight at school after being bullied by several other students for a number of weeks. He was referred by a Youth Aid Panel. Unknown to us, two of the boys who had bullied him were also ordered by the District Judge to attend the same class. The instructors for the class said afterward that they felt that there was something amiss among the students, but there were no specific problems with any of these students during the class session. During the parents’ session led by a different instructor, the parents of these same students discovered this connection and the parents had the opportunity to apologize to each other for what their sons had done at school. But the clincher of the story happened after the class was over. The mother reported that out in the parking lot, the two students who had bullied her son came to him and apologized, which really meant a lot to him. And since her son is in a different school this year and the boys no longer see each other on a regular basis, they exchanged phone numbers so that they can stay in contact. A lot can happen when we bring people together to work on their peacemaking skills in a safe environment.”
    Ken Nissley Former Case Manager
    A collaborative “peace poem” from youth in a Making Peace workshop:
    Peace is a soft, yellow puppy or purple, pink and green tie die.
    Peace is clear.
    Peace is an eagle or an octopus.
    Peace is cheaper.
    Peace is the 60’s – “all you need is love.”
    It is sitting, swimming, walking, breathing.
    Peace sounds like the Beathles and the waves in the ocean, link wind chimes, chirping birds, and hissing turtles.
    Peace smalls like candles, perfume, strawberries, gingerbread and Cinnabon.
    Peace tastes good – like freedom, all natural and magically delicious.
    Peace is sunny beaches, clear skies, and rainbows after a thunderstorm.
    Advoz Restorative Justice Programs in Lancaster, PA

    Make peace today!

    You can have a thriving relationship with your youth. Making Peace will help you begin to restore and bring hope for your future together!

    Advoz Restorative Justice Programs in Lancaster, PA

    I feel the content of the program was excellently presented.  This was extremely beneficial and eye-opening

    – Parent after a Making Peace Workshop, 2022

    “I thought each part was valuable.”

    – Youth after a Making Peace Workshop, 2022

    What you need to know and go:

    Workshops start at 8:30 AM and end at 12:30 PM, every other second Saturday of the month. Call for an updated schedule. 

    They take place at the Mix at Arbor Place:  520 North St, Lancaster, PA 17602.

    Registration is required one week in advance.

    Each registration covers for 1-3 youth and 1-2 parents or guardians.  

    Please bring payment or make payment or fee reduction request here.

    Phone: (717) 397-2404, Monday-Friday, 9 AM – 4 PM.


    Advoz does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or age. Advoz does not retaliate against persons who file a complaint about discrimination or participate in a discrimination proceeding. 

    Find Resolution and Healing

    We believe there is always a possibility of restoration.

    Let us create those possibilities together.

    Advoz: Mediation, Restorative Justice & Training in Pennsylvania

    Advoz Restorative Justice Programs in Lancaster, PA