Making Peace Workshop Referral Use the following form to request participation in our youth-parent Saturday workshop. Making Peace Application Agency Referral InformationMagisterial District JudgeMDJDistrict #Docket #Phone #ContactFaxEmail Or Youth Aid PanelYAPContactPhone #Case #EmailFax # Or Other Referring AgencyOtherContactPhone #Case #EmailFax OFFENSE INFORMATIONChargeProbation Ending PeriodBrief Description of OffenseConsequences Assigned Was the incident a fight Yes No Will the other person also be referred to Advoz? Yes No Name of the other party FAMILY INFORMATION*Youth NameDate of BirthGenderEthnicityAddress *Parent/Guardian 1 NameRelationship to youthPlease indicate special language needs:Parent/ Guardian 2 NameRelationship to YouthPlease indicate special language needs: Phone #YouthGuardian 1Guardian 2Guardian 3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Please check here if you are certifying that this youth is suited to be in a class with others who are being referred to the "Making Peace"" program and, to your knowledge, does not have any mental/emotional needs that should be addressed in another venue. CAPTCHA Δ