Our intrepid training team has been at the drawing board, crafting a compact and potent Basic Mediation Training in one three-day stretch. The training, which replaces the prior two-part format, still provides professionals and volunteers alike with a high quality foundational experience complete with CLEs for attorneys and CEUs for social workers, professional counselors and marriage/family therapists.
The training takes place Thursday September 28 through Saturday, September 30, 9 am – 5 pm at a the Mennonite Central Committee’s Welcoming Place in Akron, PA.
Early Bird ends Sept. 8. Registration deadline is September 22.
Pre-registration is required and can be made directly from our website at: advoz.org/services/training/
This introductory training can be augmented by later advanced training opportunities and mentorship, providing a high quality preparation to resolve conflict in a number of critical situations.
Training to volunteer in Restorative Justice Victim-Offender Conferencing is also scheduled for October with an multiple guest speakers and an updated design.
Share or download here the Advoz Fall 2017 Training Flyer.
[rescue_button colorhex=”#2ecc71″ url=”https://advoz.org/services/training” title=”Learn more about Advoz Mediation Training” target=”blank” class=”left” border_radius=”3px”]Learn More and Register Today[/rescue_button]
Even More to Appreciate – Lydia’s internship learning 4 years later
We were honored to welcome Lydia Tamrat to our team as an intern several years ago. Those of you connected to Advoz lately may remember Lydia who interned through the Shalom Project. Lydia stood out as a rock-star intern, excelling in nearly every aspect of the work....