Aug 20, 2020 | Mediation, Restorative Justice, Skillshare
Rewiring our Apologies…and Our Brainsby Chris Fitz We were getting to end of dialogue. The woman who’d been robbed expressed her grace, that she didn’t hold this against the boy in front of her—or his mom. He was 15, with older friends, saw her get out of her car,...
Jun 15, 2020 | Education, Mediation, News, Restorative Justice, Training
By Chris Fitz Racism is a loaded word. In Advoz’s dialogue work, mediators often first ask, “how do you feel?” Then we ask, “what do you think?” So I’ll ask you, reader, “what comes up for you when you hear the word...
Jan 27, 2020 | News, Restorative Justice
By Melisa Betancur A phone call is easy to underestimate. Through my work at Advoz, I learned that a phone call is enough to help build transparency and trust with victims of crimes. The power of empathy flows during these conversations, and I feel the vulnerability...
Jan 13, 2020 | Education, News, Restorative Justice, Training
The graphic above illustrates the positive differences we can make when we consistently put in the time and energy to shift the culture of our institutions with a restorative justice lens. Changing our community’s culture of conflict is no small goal, but...
Mar 21, 2018 | Events, News, Restorative Justice
A few seats remain for tomorrow’s Circle Up movie screening at Penn Cinema, 7 pm, Thursday, March 22, 2018. The film follows Janet Connors and another mother, Clarissa Turner (pictured in the screenshot below, right to left) as they reach out to those who...
Jan 21, 2018 | News, Restorative Justice
Listen as Mark McKenzie, from WSBA and WARM103, brings Molly Sollenberger and Chris Fitz on the air, this past fall, to discuss Advoz’s restorative justice through face-to-face dialogue involving crime victims and offenders. Also chronicled on the video Make...